17 February 2012

Xbox 720 console code-named 'Durango'

Xbox 720, Xbox Loop, neXt-box.  We've heard all the rumored names for Microsoft's next-gen Xbox console.  Except for one.
Kotaku has heard from "multiple sources close to the project" that Microsoft's next Xbox console (what we've been calling the Xbox 720) will be code-named "Durango".
By far the least entertaining of the rumors we've heard surrounding the Xbox 720, this could be the most informative if true.  You see, the Xbox "Durango" won't be the finished product name, but it will be the name you will hear most often during the console's final development phase - the time when Microsoft announces the console until it ships.Also expected is that the Durango will have strong voice and motion controls like the Xbox 360 Kinect, and it will have a much stronger approach to 3D content. Some also predict it will allow players to play online games for free, and employ a premium service similar to Sony's Playstation Plus.
Of course, who knows when that will actually begin.  Despite rumors that the Xbox Durango (or Xbox 720) is already being worked on, Microsoft has denied all rumors of a next-gen console announcement, most recently squashing the E3 2012 reveal rumor.
Durango doesn't necessarily mean anything as far as the system is concerned.  It's just a name.  Microsoft's Xbox Kinect was code-named Project Natal before being named "Kinect".
